Monday, November 29, 2010

cyber what?

Cyber Monday....huh, what?  I know, because I've polled my friends, there are several people who had never heard of "Cyber Monday".  Myself included.  Also knowing these gals, it was likely an excuse to do some shopping.  Myself included.  Here's a few things I found:

J.Crew Rugged Twill Weekender

Goldie Clutch

Small White Crocheted Bowl

Puppy's Guide to Love

I've moved...without all the mess.

After only five months of blogging it became obvious I needed a site that was easier to, I've moved. ( old blog ) I'm pretty sure my faithful followers, all four of them, won't mind. 

If I was really moving, I'd have plenty of boxes to use.  Crate and Barrel sure does know how to pack those fragile wedding gifts!  (More on that later...)  Anyway, all of this made me think about what a creative mind could do with all of this cardboard....besides recycling of course. 

Check these out:

1.  chairs
3.  lights
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